I’ve been thinking of doing this for a while now.

Today’s the day.

Today’s the day I jump, no wait leap, into something that doesn’t come naturally for me.  Writing.  In fact, I’ve started, deleted and restarted this post about three times now.

So, who am I?  I usually identify myself first as a mom of 2 adorable children.  I’m married.  I work full-time.  I’ve been doing the same job for 10 years.  Yep.  10 years.

Why blog now?  See above.  10 years.  I need a new challenge.  Ten years are a long time!  I have a gift for working with, understanding, listening and helping people.  I want to expand on that gift and see where I can fit in this world of social media and blogging.

Recently, I finished two books – UnMarketing by Scott Stratten and Open Community by Maddie Grant and Lindy Dreyer.  Have you ever read a book and knew that it was written for you?   Both of these books gave me that last push of confidence and courage to start my own blog.  I dream of being able to write as well as they do.  To them, I say thanks.

I think as time goes on, I will become more focused in my writing.  Until then, I hope you will join me on my journey of finding my voice.  (Just be patient if that voice is all over the place for a while!)

Good night!!